Interlink Technologies is named a Parcel Logistics Leader and is only one of thirty three companies named as a 2016 HOT Company for small package solutions.

Interlink provides Warehouse-LINK® warehouse management solutions (WMS) to small warehouses through large distribution centers. Interlink accommodates small package needs with specific solutions:

• Shipping costs are reduced using algorithms for consolidation to bundle packages.
• SWOG (Ship With Other Goods) is another consolidation function that provides cost and time savings with pick by shipping label for full case picking. Picks can be confirmed through scanners interfaced with Warehouse-LINK®.
• Warehouse-LINK® interfaces with scales and uses calculated weight to determine weights for accuracy and labor savings.
• Integration with Fed Ex and UPS in real-time accomplishes faster and streamlined package processing and tracking.


Interlink works hard to provide solutions for small package shipping and is proud to be selected by Parcel as a HOT Company for 2016.

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